emacs - yasnippet does not load automatically when .html file is loaded -
yasnipped has been installed on emacs using elpa/melpa package system. i can confirm it's in ~/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-20160104.129 when load .html file there's no yasnippet menu, expected, please advise. did not add .emacs i think solution might cause problems when comes updating elpa yasnippet package. not idea rename package directories. there couple of things should try first. when have opened html file, try running m-x yas-minor-mode if works, need add call yas-minor-mode in startup hook html-mode. alternatively, can try executing m-x yas-global-mode if works, need put call (yas-global-mode) in init.el file if not work, check value of variables yas-snippets-dirs , yas-installed-snippets-dirs . former normal yas variable lists directories search snippets. latter variable should contain path top level snippets directory in elpa package. former contain "~/.emacs.d/snippets" yas-installed-snippets-dires if yas-installed...