arrays - Equality of copy.copy and copy.deepcopy in python copy module -
i creating list of numpy arrays copying array keep original copy. copying done using deepcopy()
function. when comparing 2 arrays now, showing false in equivalence. when using copy()
function .i understand difference between copy , deepcopy function, shall equivalence not same?
that is:
grid1=np.empty([3,3],dtype=object) in xrange(3): j in xrange(3): grid1[i][j] = [i,np.random.uniform(-3.5,3.5,(3,3))] grid_init=[] grid_init=copy.deepcopy(grid1) grid1==grid_init #returns false grid_init=[] grid_init=copy.copy(grid1) grid1==grid_init #returns true grid_init=[] grid_init=copy.deepcopy(grid1) np.array_equal(grid1,grid_init) #returns false
shall not true?
i must running different version of numpy/python, different errors and/or results. still same issue applies - mixing arrays , lists can produce complicated results.
make 2 copies
in [217]: x=copy.copy(grid1) in [218]: y=copy.deepcopy(grid1)
equality shallow copy, gives element element comparison, 3x3 boolean:
in [219]: x==grid1 out[219]: array([[ true, true, true], [ true, true, true], [ true, true, true]], dtype=bool)
the elements 2 item lists:
in [220]: grid1[0,0] out[220]: [0, array([[ 2.08833787, -0.24595155, -3.15694342], [-3.05157909, 1.83814619, -0.78387624], [ 1.70892355, -0.87361521, -0.83255383]])]
and in shallow copy, list ids same. 2 arrays have different data buffers (x
not view), both point same list objects (located else in memeory).
in [221]: id(grid1[0,0]) out[221]: 2958477004 in [222]: id(x[0,0]) out[222]: 2958477004
with same id
lists equal (they satisfy is
in [234]: grid1[0,0]==x[0,0] out[234]: true
but ==
deepcopy produces simple false
. no element element comparison here. i'm not sure why. maybe area in numpy
undergoing development.
in [223]: y==grid1 out[223]: false
note deepcopy element ids different:
in [229]: id(y[0,0]) out[229]: 2957009900
when try apply ==
element of these arrays error:
in [235]: grid1[0,0]==y[0,0] ... valueerror: truth value of array more 1 element ambiguous. use a.any() or a.all()
this error comes repeatedly in questions, because people try use boolean array (from comparison) in scalar python context.
i can compare arrays in lists:
in [236]: grid1[0,0][1]==y[0,0][1] out[236]: array([[ true, true, true], [ true, true, true], [ true, true, true]], dtype=bool)
i can reproduce valueerror simpler comparison - 2 lists, contain array. on surface same, because arrays have different ids, fails.
in [239]: [0,np.arange(3)]==[0,np.arange(3)] ... valueerror: truth value of array more 1 element ambiguous. use a.any() or a.all()
this pair of comparisons shows going on:
in [242]: [0,np.arange(3)][0]==[0,np.arange(3)][0] out[242]: true in [243]: [0,np.arange(3)][1]==[0,np.arange(3)][1] out[243]: array([ true, true, true], dtype=bool)
python compares respective elements of lists, , tries perform logical operation combine them, all()
. can't perform all
on [true, array([true,true,true])]
so in version, y==grid1
returns false
because element element comparisons return valueerrors
. it's either or raise error or warning. aren't equal.
in sum, array of lists of number , array, equality tests end mixing array operations , list operations. outcomes logical, complicated. have keenly aware of how arrays compared, , how lists compared. not interchangeable.
a structured array
you put data in structured array, dtype
dt = np.dtype([('f0',int),('f1',float,(3,3))]) in [263]: dt = np.dtype([('f0',int),('f1',float,(3,3))]) in [264]: grid2=np.empty([3,3],dtype=dt) in [265]: in range(3): j in range(3): grid2[i][j] = (i,np.random.uniform(-3.5,3.5,(3,3))) .....: in [266]: grid2 out[266]: array([[ (0, [[2.719807845330254, -0.6379512247418969, -0.02567206509563602], [0.9585030371031278, -1.0042751112999135, -2.7805349057485946], [-2.244526250770717, 0.5740647379258945, 0.29076071288760574]]), ....]])]], dtype=[('f0', '<i4'), ('f1', '<f8', (3, 3))])
the first field, integers can fetched (giving 3x3 array)
in [267]: grid2['f0'] out[267]: array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]])
the second field contains 3x3 arrays, when accessed field name 4d array:
in [269]: grid2['f1'].shape out[269]: (3, 3, 3, 3)
a single element record (or tuple),
in [270]: grid2[2,1] out[270]: (2, [[1.6236266210555836, -2.7383730706629636, -0.46604477485902374], [-2.781740733659544, 0.7822732671353201, 3.0054266762730473], [3.3135671425199824, -2.7466097112667103, -0.15205961855874406]])
now both kinds of copy produce same thing:
in [271]: x=copy.copy(grid2) in [272]: y=copy.deepcopy(grid2) in [273]: x==grid2 out[273]: array([[ true, true, true], [ true, true, true], [ true, true, true]], dtype=bool) in [274]: y==grid2 out[274]: array([[ true, true, true], [ true, true, true], [ true, true, true]], dtype=bool)
since grid2
pure ndarray
(no intermediate lists) suspect copy.copy
, copy.deepcopy
end using grid2.copy()
. in numpy
use array copy method, , don't bother copy
p.s. appears dtype=object
, grid1.copy()
same copy.copy(grid1)
- new array, same object pointers (i.e. same data).
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