java - Decode UTF-8 String -
import java.nio.charset.charset; import; import; import javax.crypto.cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.ivparameterspec; import javax.crypto.spec.secretkeyspec; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.base64; public class cryptolib { public cryptolib() { security.addprovider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.bouncycastleprovider()); } public string encrypt(string plaintext, string key) throws exception { // convert key bytes messagedigest md = messagedigest.getinstance("md5"); md.update(key.getbytes("utf-8")); byte[] keybytes = md.digest(); // use first 16 bytes (or less if key shorter) byte[] keybytes16 = new byte[16]; system.arraycopy(keybytes, 0, keybytes16, 0, math.min(keybytes.length, 64)); system.arraycopy(keybytes, 0, keybytes16, 0, math.min(keybytes.length, 16)); // convert plain text bytes byte[] plainbytes = plaintext.getbytes("utf-8"); // setup cipher secretkeyspec skeyspec = new secretkeyspec(keybytes16, "aes"); cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes/cbc/pkcs7padding"); byte[] iv = new byte[16]; // initialization vector 0 cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, skeyspec, new ivparameterspec(iv)); // encrypt byte[] encrypted = cipher.dofinal(plainbytes); string encryptedstring = new string(base64.encodebase64(cipher.dofinal(encrypted))); // encryptedstring return encryptedstring; } public string decrypt(string encryptedtext, string key) throws exception { // convert key bytes messagedigest md = messagedigest.getinstance("md5"); md.update(key.getbytes("utf-8")); byte[] keybytes = md.digest(); // use first 16 bytes (or less if key shorter) byte[] keybytes16 = new byte[16]; system.arraycopy(keybytes, 0, keybytes16, 0, math.min(keybytes.length, 64)); // convert plain text bytes // byte[] decodebase64 = base64.decodebase64(encryptedtext); byte[] plainbytes = base64.decodebase64(encryptedtext.getbytes("utf-8")); // setup cipher secretkeyspec skeyspec = new secretkeyspec(keybytes16, "aes"); cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes/cbc/pkcs7padding"); byte[] iv = new byte[16]; // initialization vector 0 cipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, skeyspec, new ivparameterspec(iv)); byte[] decrypteed = cipher.dofinal(plainbytes); return new string(decrypteed, "utf-8"); } }
hello all,sorry silly question have small problem can't find solution. encrypt , decrypt success message decrypt function returns strange string although set utf8 format.the output below
run: yv6ggse2h19kqp/fh8qnl7hdj5zm2dlprnyt6d4ycii= ���`�1����x�� build successful (total time: 0 seconds) cryptolib crypto=new cryptolib(); string encrypted=crypto.encrypt("message", "key"); system.out.println(encrypted); system.out.println(crypto.decrypt(encrypted, "key"));
there double encryption following lines:
byte[] encrypted = cipher.dofinal(plainbytes); string encryptedstring = new string(base64.encodebase64(cipher.dofinal(encrypted)));
this explains length of encrypted data,
base64: yv6ggse2h19kqp/fh8qnl7hdj5zm2dlprnyt6d4ycii=
hex: 62fe868121361f5f64a8ffdf1fcaa797b1c3279cccd8394facd613e9de180882
the encryption should just:
string encryptedstring = new string(base64.encodebase64(cipher.dofinal(plainbytes)));
this why decryption "strange", binary data bytes displayed string isn't has un-displayable bytes.
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