loading - Firebase Rate Limiting -

i'm experiencing huge load times firebase. have 5,000 entries in "users" collection, , working fine until added base64-encoded photo each user. here's summary of code:

function initcurrentauth() {     return authref.$requireauth().then(attachuserobject); } function attachuserobject(authdata) {      getuser(authdata.uid).$loaded().then(function(user) {         ...this code never runs because getuser never resolves     } } function getuser(id) {      userreference = usersref.child(id);     return $firebaseobject(userreference); } 

i'm on free firebase plan, i'm wondering if i'm being throttled? if has insights, appreciated.


not sure if else, in case - frank suggested, did have "listener". had been looking $watch in code trigger it, had $firebaseobject(users) call triggered massive download.


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