function - What does this MATLAB class to and why isn't it working on my PC? -

the first 1 in documentation:

the class is:

classdef basicclass    properties       value    end    methods       function r = roundoff(obj)          r = round([obj.value],2);       end       function r = multiplyby(obj,n)          r = [obj.value] * n;       end    end end 

when run way

a = basicclass a.value = pi/3; 

it works fine , should piece of code

a = basicclass(pi/3); 

gives following error:

"error using round

too many input arguments."

what mean? (i'm using r2014a) stupid use oop in matlab? lol

your error message doesn't correct compared code, whichever missing class constructor (as mentioned @ half way down link):

classdef basicclass   properties     value   end   methods      % class constructor -> can pass pi/3 into.     function obj = basicclass ( varargin )       if nargin == 1         obj.value = varargin{1};       end     end      % methods     function r = roundoff(obj)       r = round([obj.value],2);     end     function r = multiplyby(obj,n)       r = [obj.value] * n;     end   end end 


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