serialization - while deserializing object after some modification in a java class -

why failed deserialized have serialized container class using serialversionuid = 75264711556228l;

public class container implements serializable {     private static final long serialversionuid = 75264711556228l;     public boolean isfromlocalcollect=false;     public boolean isfromlocalcollect=false;     public void setfromlocalcollect(boolean isfromlocalcollect) {         this.isfromlocalcollect=isfromlocalcollect;     }     public boolean getfromlocalcollect() {         return this.isfromlocalcollect;     } } 

now have added 1 more setter , getter method in container class after serialized name container.ser like:

public class container implements serializable {     private static final long serialversionuid = 75264711556228l;     public boolean isfromlocalcollect=false;     public boolean isfromlocalcollect=false;     public void setfromlocalcollect(boolean isfromlocalcollect) {         this.isfromlocalcollect=isfromlocalcollect;     }     public boolean getfromlocalcollect() {         return this.isfromlocalcollect;     }     public boolean isfromlocalcollect2=false;     public void setfromlocalcollect2(boolean isfromlocalcollect2) {         this.isfromlocalcollect2=isfromlocalcollect2;     }     public boolean getfromlocalcollect2() {         return this.isfromlocalcollect2;     } } 

then trying deserialize object using project name changed failed deserialized , error got like: cvb.db.pbdb; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialversionuid = -444070985558173412, local class serialversionuid = 4350771162641935418 

when serialized object used version of container.class differents container.class used deserialize it.

you need use same .class sure operation of serialization deserialization work correctly.


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