php - How to write the Sum() method in zend -

hi beginner zend , need queries . trying write following query in zend gives error saying "unrecognized method sum()"

"select tableid,orderid,itemid,sum(itemqty),rate,sum(itemqty)*rate amount temporder tableid=3 group itemid" in advance

<?php                     class temporder extends zend_db_table_abstract{                      protected $_name="temporder";                     public $db;                           public function init(){                             $this->db = zend_registry::get('db');                             }                           public function gettableorder(){                          $select = $this->select()                                             ->from($this,array('tableid','orderid','itemid','sum(itemqty)','rate', 'sum(itemqty)' * 'rate' 'amount'))                                             ->where('tableid =3')                                             ->group('itemid');                             $data=$this->fetchall($select);                              return $data;                             }        } 


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