c# - Control animation and execute script when animation ends -

my project military fps , i'm having problems animations.

i have 3 different weapons, 1 animator controller each 1 , every weapon has "enter" , "leave" animation. cs, cod, etc...

i need know when "leave" animation ends disable gameobject, enable other 1 , play "enter" animation.

i tryed this: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/362629/how-can-i-check-if-an-animation-is-being-played-or.html without sucess.

i'll leave here print of animator controller, hierarchy , script, if u need more details, need say.

enter image description here

animator controller of weapon number 1

all transitions "sair" (leave animation) have trigger (ak47_sair) , transition "extit" state have trigger ("ak47_saircontrolador")

on code, when press 2 (change weapon number 2) want transition.

enter image description here

this hierarchy, script attached "jogador".

with actual code, disable tha ak47 gameobject when leave animation still playing.

    using unityengine;  using system.collections;   public class firstperson : monobehaviour {       public float speed;      public float normalspeed = 5.0f;      public float slowspeed = 2.5f;      public float crchspeed = 2.5f;       private transform tr;      private float dist; // distance ground        public float mousesensitivity = 5.0f;      public float verticalrotation = 0.0f;      public float updownrange = 60.0f;      private float verticalspeed = 0.0f;      public float jumpspeed = 5.0f;       charactercontroller player;       private gameobject ak47;      private gameobject faca;       public float shootingrate = 0.15f;      public float shootcooldown;       private bool agachado = false;      public float camoriginalpositiony;      public float camcrouchpositiony;       private animator controladoranimacaoak;      private animator controladoranimacaofaca;        public capsulecollider playercollider;      public camera cameraprincipal;       public int armaselecionada;      public int ultimaarma;         void start () {          player = getcomponent<charactercontroller>();          shootcooldown = 0;          controladoranimacaoak = player.getcomponentinchildren<animator>();          playercollider = gameobject.getcomponent<capsulecollider> ();          cameraprincipal = camera.main;          armaselecionada = 1;          ak47 = cameraprincipal.transform.findchild ("ak47_final_animado").gameobject;      }         void update () {           if (input.getkeydown (keycode.alpha2) || input.getkeydown(keycode.keypad2)) {              ultimaarma = armaselecionada;              armaselecionada = 2;               if(ultimaarma == 1) {                  controladoranimacaoak.settrigger("ak47_sair");      controladoranimacaoak.settrigger("ak47_saircontrolador");                  ak47.setactive (false);                }           }           if (input.getkeydown (keycode.alpha1)) {              ultimaarma = armaselecionada;              armaselecionada = 1;          //    controladoranimacaoak.settrigger ("ak47_entrar");          }           if (armaselecionada == 1) {              // diz ao controlador da anim se o player esta movimentar-se ou nao              controladoranimacaoak.setfloat ("ak47_deslocacao", player.velocity.magnitude);              //debug.log (player.velocity.magnitude);               // dispatar tiros              playershoot playershootscript = player.getcomponent<playershoot> ();               if (shootcooldown > 0) {                  shootcooldown -= time.deltatime;              }                if (input.getbutton ("fire1")) {                  if (shootcooldown <= 0) {                      shootcooldown = shootingrate;                      playershootscript.fireshoot ();                      // animaƧao                      controladoranimacaoak.setbool ("ak47_disparar", true);                  }              } else {                   // animaƧao                  controladoranimacaoak.setbool ("ak47_disparar", false);              }               if (input.getkeydown (keycode.r)) {                  controladoranimacaoak.settrigger ("ak47_rec");              }           }      }  } 

in unity 5 you've got new thing animation state machine behavior : state machine behaviours

you can use specify behavior when animation controller enters or leave specific states.

for exemple here i've got door have open , close state, , let's want play sound when door opening.

opening animation

here clicked opening, add behaviour , set random name test (behavior test in case)

then need implement function void onstateenter(animator animator, animatorstateinfo stateinfo, int layerindex) play sound @ first frame animation running.

[serializefield] audioclip open_sound;  override public void onstateenter(animator animator, animatorstateinfo stateinfo, int layerindex) {     animator.getcomponent<audiosource>().clip = open_sound;     animator.getcomponent<audiosource>().play(); } 

in case, want implement behavior in state disparar implements function onstateexit([...]) , handle weapon change.

to go bit further don't think should handle weapon change directly in animation state, maybe script send event catched game controller handle change of weapon.


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