language extension - How to customize comment block characters in visual studio code? -

i created language extension visual studio code , change comment block characters couldn't find way so..

has done or know how it?

ok, figured out problem. there 2 ways can change comment blocks:

1 - config file

i dont know why it's not in docs (or @ least couldn't find it) there optional property pass object inside contributes.languages array in package.json named configuration.

the description found on vs code source code:

a relative path file containing configuration options language.

on files can create object 1 , it's gonna overwrite default comment characters

{   "comments": {     "linecomment": "//",     "blockcomment": [ "<!--", "-->" ]   } } 

you can see properties on api references:

note: comment block command triggered different shortcut. can overwrite though (in general or specific language using property when on key binding object).

⇧⌥a - toggle block comment - editor.action.blockcomment

2 - "syntax" file .tmlanguage

yes, can there , can make better. can see example here


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