java - Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers -
let's have list of n numbers. allowed choose m integers (lets call integer a). each integer a, delete every number within inclusive range [a - x, + x], x number. minimum value of x can list cleared?
for example, if list of numbers
1 3 8 10 18 20 25
and m = 2, answer x = 5.
you pick 2 integers 5 , 20. clear list because deletes every number in between [5-5, 5+5] , [20-5, 20+5].
how solve this? think solution may related dynamic programming. not want brute force method solution.
code helpful, preferably in java or c++ or c.
a recursive solution:
first, need estimation, can split in m groups, estimated(x) must ~ (greather - lower element) / 2*m. estimated(x) solution. if there better solution, has lower x extimated(x) in groups! , can check first group , repeat recursively. problem decreasing until have group: last one, know if new solution better or not, if there'is better, can use discard worse solution.
private static int estimate(int[] n, int m, int begin, int end) { return (((n[end - 1] - n[begin]) / m) + 1 )/2; } private static int calculate(int[] n, int m, int begin, int end, int estimatedx){ if (m == 1){ return estimate(n, 1, begin, end); } else { int bestx = estimatedx; (int = begin + 1; <= end + 1 - m; i++) { // split problem: int firstgroupx = estimate(n, 1, begin, i); if (firstgroupx < bestx){ bestx = math.min(bestx, math.max(firstgroupx, calculate(n, m-1, i, end, bestx))); } else { = end; } } return bestx; } } public static void main(string[] args) { int[] n = {1, 3, 8, 10, 18, 20, 25}; int m = 2; arrays.sort(n); system.out.println(calculate(n, m, 0, n.length, estimate(n, m, 0, n.length))); }
long numbers version: main idea, search "islands" of distances , split problem different islands. divide , conquer, distribute 'm' islands.
private static long estimate(long[] n, long m, int begin, int end) { return (((n[end - 1] - n[begin]) / m) + 1) / 2; } private static long calculate(long[] n, long m, int begin, int end, long estimatedx) { if (m == 1) { return estimate(n, 1, begin, end); } else { long bestx = estimatedx; (int = begin + 1; <= end + 1 - m; i++) { long firstgroupx = estimate(n, 1, begin, i); if (firstgroupx < bestx) { bestx = math.min(bestx, math.max(firstgroupx, calculate(n, m - 1, i, end, bestx))); } else { = end; } } return bestx; } } private static long solver(long[] n, long m, int begin, int end) { long estimate = estimate(n, m, begin, end); priorityqueue<long[]> islands = new priorityqueue<>((p0, p1) ->[0], p0[0])); int islandbegin = begin; (int = islandbegin; < end -1; i++) { if (n[i + 1] - n[i] > estimate) { long estimatedisland = estimate(n, 1, islandbegin, i+1); islands.add(new long[]{estimatedisland, islandbegin, i, 1}); islandbegin = i+1; } } long estimatedisland = estimate(n, 1, islandbegin, end); islands.add(new long[]{estimatedisland, islandbegin, end, 1}); long result; if (islands.isempty() || m < islands.size()) { result = calculate(n, m, begin, end, estimate); } else { long mfree = m - islands.size(); while (mfree > 0) { long[] island = islands.poll(); island[3]++; island[0] = solver(n, island[3], (int) island[1], (int) island[2]); islands.add(island); mfree--; } result = islands.poll()[0]; } return result; } public static void main(string[] args) { long[] n = new long[63]; (int = 1; < n.length; i++) { n[i] = 2*n[i-1]+1; } long m = 32; arrays.sort(n); system.out.println(solver(n, m, 0, n.length)); }
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