web services - How to store data in online and access using android app -

this first app doing create.i want create quiz app store questions online , when user uses app, questions fetched server.

i dont want storage data offline.

i want know how store data on server.

if can done free of cost plz specify also. thnx in advance.

use parse.com storage. when app used retrieve questions backend , display on screen. can learn more parse here

tutorial start here

i providing part of code retrieve server , display in listview.

parsequery<parseobject> query = parsequery.getquery("post");  query.findinbackground(new findcallback<parseobject>() {      @override     public void done(list<parseobject> postlist, parseexception e) {         if (e == null) {             // if there questions, display             (parseobject post : postlist) {                 question q= new question(post.getobjectid(), post.getstring("question"));                 posts.add(q);             }             ((arrayadapter<question>) getlistadapter()).notifydatasetchanged();         } else {             log.d(getclass().getsimplename(), "error: " + e.getmessage());         }     } }); 


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