ios - I have an error with video settings when creating a video from an array of images in swift -

so i've been having problem while. when creating video file array of images, i've been getting errors linking video settings

let paths = nsfilemanager.defaultmanager().urlsfordirectory(.documentdirectory, indomains: .userdomainmask)     let documentsurl = images[0]     let videowriter: avassetwriter = avassetwriter(url: documentsurl, filetype: avfiletypequicktimemovie, error: nil)      var videosettings: nsdictionary = nsdictionary()      videosettings = [         avvideocodeckey: avvideocodech264,         avvideowidthkey: 1080,         avvideoheightkey: 1920     ]      var exportpath: nsstring = nstemporarydirectory().stringbyappendingformat("/")     var exporturl: nsurl = nsurl.fileurlwithpath(exportpath string)      var exporter = avassetexportsession(asset: videosettings, presetname: avassetexportpresethighestquality)     exporter.outputurl = exporturl      exporter.exportasynchronouslywithcompletionhandler({         let library = alassetslibrary()         library.writevideoatpathtosavedphotosalbum(exporturl, completionblock: { (asseturl:nsurl!, error:nserror?) -> void in              })     }) 

so in block of code should create video file array called "images", line

var exporter = avassetexportsession(asset: videosettings, presetname: avassetexportpresethighestquality) 

gives error @ "videosettings" don't understand why happening. error "cannot convert value of type 'nsdictionary' expected argument type 'avasset'"

the line

let videowriter: avassetwriter = avassetwriter(url: documentsurl, filetype: avfiletypequicktimemovie, error: nil) 

also gives error @ 'avassetwriter'

the error "cannot invoke initializer of type 'avassetwriter' argument list of type (url: uiimage, filetype: string, error:_)'"

please can problem, thanks


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