angularjs - Add marker with time validity and near real time -

in web api application angularjs frontend want display marker on map (google maps or leaflet) time validity in near real time.

what meaning?

  1. each user (client) of app should (near real time) see when user add marker on map.
  2. each added marker can have different time validity. if time validity expired, marker should removed map , each user should see that.

there 2 options - client side or server side. on client side there "timer" available each marker (e.g. .settimeout()). if have hundreds of markers different time validity, need same number of timer. not need ressources on client side? thought better on server side? if time validity expired of marker, want remove marker each client. mean, have send request each marker. there best practice that? maybe signalr or that?

why not have 1 setinterval markers?, timer fire event @ regular basis markers. think should go webservice option solve this, or maybe combination of both.


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