Login users at the same time problemes in signalr -

im working on social network asp.net , signalr . have simple login page, if finds user in database creates application variable , redirect user profile page , in page invoke connect method declared in hub class , method takes userid in session , give frind list of user . works great when 2 or many users loged in @ different time. thing is, when 2 or several users logged in @ same time , connect method declared in hub takes last user id stored in application variable , give friend list of last user id , send user connected .

i can't find correct approach.

thanks in advance help.

loggin page code :

    protected void btn_login_click(object sender, eventargs e)             {                 tbl_user user = new tbl_user();                 user = fonctioncommun.login(txt_username.text , txt_password.text);                 if (user != null)                 {                     application["userid"] = user.userid.tostring();                         response.redirect("profile.aspx");                 }                 else {                     label1.visible = true;                 }          } 

my connect method code :

public void connect() {             userid = guid.parse(httpcontext.current.application["userid"].tostring());   string output = "";   if (listonlineuser.count(x => x.userid == userid) == 0)  {  listonlineuser.add(new onlineusers { userid = userid, connetionid = guid.parse(context.connectionid) });                 objchat.setonline(userid);                      listfriends = objchat.getfriendloginstatus(userid);             }             foreach (tbl_user item in listfriends)             {                 if (item.status == "1")                 {                     onlineusers onlinefriend = listonlineuser.firstordefault(x => x.userid == guid.parse(item.userid.tostring()));                     if (onlinefriend != null)                     {                         using (fiesta_advisorentities bd = new fiesta_advisorentities())                         {                             tbl_user obj_user = bd.tbl_user.where(o => o.userid == userid).firstordefault();                             if (obj_user.profileimage != null)                             {                                 string ext = bd.assets.where(o => o.url == obj_user.profileimage).select(o => o.mimetype).firstordefault();                                 userdetaille res = new userdetaille() { userid = guid.parse(obj_user.userid.tostring()), username = obj_user.username, profileimage = obj_user.profileimage.tostring(), ext = ext };                                  output = jsonconvert.serializeobject(res);                             }                             else {                                  userdetaille res = new userdetaille() { userid = guid.parse(obj_user.userid.tostring()), username = obj_user.username, profileimage = "111", ext = "png" };                                  output = jsonconvert.serializeobject(res); }                              clients.client(onlinefriend.connetionid.tostring()).onnewuserconnect(output);                         }                     }                 }             }             clients.caller.showfriends(listfriends);         } 

try session variable instead of application variable. application variable shared through out application working. whenever new user override. if use session variable never override other user


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