How get large size album pictures of facebook? -

i using facebook graph api, using login user, user allow permission user_photos , graph api getting list of albums, list of pictures album id, pictures of thumbnail size 130x130. please give code hint large image of album's upload pictures.

following code using access albums , pictures

$albums = $fb->get('/me/albums', $accesstoken)->getgraphedge()->asarray(); foreach( $albums $album_id => $album_data ){     $fbpictures = $fb->get("/".$album_data['id']."/photos?fields=picture&limit=12&type=normal", $accesstoken)->getgraphedge()->asarray(); } 

$fbpictures variable getting arrays of pictures of album, has picture id , url of small thumbnail, can't access large size image. please guide me how possible?

thanks lot


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