go - Golang - TLS handshake error -

i running https web server in go. testing using angular web app (chrome browser) makes ajax calls web server.

if keep hitting web server continuously seems working. whenever leave idle sometime , hit web server ajax call browser doesn't response. see log line in server log.

2016/01/16 04:06:47.006977 http: tls handshake error eof

i can confirm ip address ip address.

i starting https server this:

r := mux.newrouter() r.handlefunc("/status", handlestatus) setuploginendpoint(&cfg.session, r) setuplogoutendpoint(cfg.session.cookiename, r) setupchangepasswordendpoint(cfg.session.cookiename, r) setupmetricsinkendpoint(cfg.metric.sinkapikey, r) setupmetricqueryendpoint(cfg.session.cookiename, r) http.listenandservetls(":443", "../cert.pem", "../keys.pem", &server{r}) 

i can confirm closing request body in every handler using defer r.body.close().

i using go 1.5.2.

any appreciated.



i enabled tcp keepalive , problem got solved. running vm in google compute engine , firewall terminated idle connections.

tcp keep alive

configuring tcp keep alive in linux

golang http server automatically picked up, no change required in golang code.




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