html - Foundation interchange responsive images only loading img src -

new far, don't know why interchange isn't working. image working img src. none of others being dynamically generated. it's not bad path, code wrong below or perhaps javascript file needed? have foundation.interchange.js along rest of js files.

<img data-interchange="[img/small.jpg, (small)], [img/medium.jpg, (medium)], [img/large.jpg, (large)]" data-uuid="interchange-i2pip11r1" src="img/large-banner.jpg"> 

i had problem , looking long time find answer , had use normal css images because couldn't solve problem.

@media (max-width: 1120px) {     .map {         width: 625px;         height: 380px;     } }  @media (max-width: 855px) {     .map {         width: 480px;         height: 375px;     } }  @media (max-width: 675px) {     .map {         width: 0;         height: 0;     } } 

map class image.


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