How to close the clipboard ressource in C#? -

below code how put text string windows clipboard. looking command close clipboard resource after not locked anymore app. know how close clipboard ressource explicitely in c#?

this code

string s = "hello world"; thread stathread3 = new thread (     delegate()     {         try { new setclipboardhelper(dataformats.text, s).go();}         catch (exception ex)  { /* exception handling */ }     } ); stathread3.setapartmentstate(apartmentstate.sta); stathread3.start(); stathread3.join(); // here close clipboard // ???? 

this code of class setclipboardhelper

class setclipboardhelper : stahelper {     readonly string _format;     readonly object _data;      public setclipboardhelper(string format, object data)     {         _format = format;         _data = data;     }      protected override void work()     {         var obj = new             _format,             _data         );          clipboard.setdataobject(obj, true);     } } 

if "lock" (prevent other apps modify) clipboard calling openclipboard() method, can (and should, because prevents other applications using it) close closeclipboard().

here's sequence should stick when copying clipboard.


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