html - How can I know the namespace of a 'serviceprovider' class in Laravel 5.2? -

i use laravel 5.2. found error message...

fatal error: class 'html' not found (view: d:\websites\htdocs\eloquent\resources\views\nerds\create.blade.php)

to solve problem, use following command...

composer require illuminate/html

and update composer

the path of 'service provider' downloaded ...

vendor > illuminate > html > htmlserviceprovider.php

in app.php file following line not solving problem.


what should write instead?

would please help?

add these 2 lines inside aliases in app.php. code should this

'aliases' => [     // other aliases     'form' => illuminate\html\formfacade::class,     'html' => illuminate\html\htmlfacade::class, ] 


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