python - Is there anyway to avoid locks in mongodb -

i trying migrate data 1 collection other collection in same database in mongodb. have around 50k records. while inserting mongodb locked , affecting application. there way handle locking system in mongodb ?

thanks, prats

as per article: goodbye global lock – mongodb 2.0 vs 2.2 global locking that known affect mongodb supposedly gone when using version >=2.2.

if have old instance, , upgrade out of scope, i'd try breaking migration smaller batches (max 100 documents @ time, if small enough), , waiting small amounts of time (50ms or so) between each batch runs. ugly , slow workaround, might allow continue, while being onnline @ time...

edit hmmm, strange, version should free global write lock situation. i'd try smaller batches approach...

edit2 , sammaye right: might old io bottleneck issue too... try see how disks fare in aspect sure.


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