mongodb - Pymongo importing succeeded but not showing in the collection -

i tried importing json file succeeded

mongoimport --db dbwhy --collection dbcol --jsonarray consumer_complaint.json 2016-01-15t19:00:42.277-0600    connected to: localhost 2016-01-15t19:00:42.320-0600    imported 34 documents 

but when tried viewing it, not there

from pymongo import mongoclient  client = mongoclient('localhost',27017) db = client['dbwhy'] coll = db['dbcol'] curs = db.coll.find() in curs:     print(i) 

it not show anything

the problem here:


this find documents inside coll collection, your collection named dbcol.

instead, use coll variable you've defined:

from pymongo import mongoclient  client = mongoclient('localhost',27017)  db = client['dbwhy'] coll = db['dbcol']  curs = coll.find()  # fix here in curs:     print(i) 


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