javascript - Birghtcove chromeless video player controls not working in Safari -

issue happening brightcove's chromeless player

the controls (pause, play, , move specific time in video) appear on hover when clicked disappear (instead of pausing/playing or moving specified time).

they appear , work in firefox , chrome... :(

here configuration:

<object id={this.props.elemid} classname="brightcoveexperience">         <param name="allowfullscreen" value="false" />         <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />         <param name="width" value="960" />         <param name="playerid" value="**********" />         <param name="playerkey" value="**********" />         <param name="height" value="540" />         <param name="isui" value="true" />         <param name="isvid" value="true" />         <param name="dynamicstreaming" value="true" />         <param name="includeapi" value="true" />         <param name="shownocontentmessage" value="true" />         <param name="htmlfallback" value="true" />         <param name="seamlesstabbing" value="false" />         <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />         <param name="templateloadhandler" value={this.ontemplateloaded} />         <param name="autostart" value={this.props.autoplay} />         <param name="@videoplayer"  value={} /> </object> 

in case else runs issue , finds post, cause was applying css transform container element brightcove video.

no idea why caused issues, found few questions , posts talking css transforms breaking flash players in old versions of firefox nothing breaking in current safari.

oddly think bug may occur when transform applied parent (transforms on player okay think).

fortunately in case able achieve same styling effect without transforms.


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