When adding a YGuard Target to an ANT build in NetBeans, exactly where in the build.xml file should the YGuard Ant Target be placed? -

when adding yguard ant target xml build.xml in netbeans, in build.xml file should yguard ant target xml placed?

or, should yguard ant target xml placed somewhere else?

i've placed yguard ant target xml in build.xml file, out .jar, java_obf.jar, obfuscated .jar, not created when running build.

any appreciated.

here yguard ant target:

<target  name="yguard">         <taskdef name="yguard" classname="com.yworks.yguard.yguardtask" classpath="yguard.jar"/>         <yguard>             <inoutpair in="/users/user/netbeansprojects/project/dist/java.jar" out="/users/user/netbeansprojects/project/dist/java_obf.jar"/>         </yguard>     </target> 


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