angularjs - Angular 2 component two-way databinding with objects -

i'm experimenting angular 2 beta , want use semantic ui dropdown control angular 2 component.

my small sample project here:

i've wrapped inside angular 2 component 'uiselectcomponent' can see here:

any other component should use uiselectcomponent passing 2 objects: array holding possible choices , optional pre-defined selected choice. i've made interface choice 'selectoption' has 2 properties 'value' (number) , 'displayvalue' (string). component should used this:

first question: want achieve is, pre-selected option passed uiselectcomponent, user selection changes option and option should change selected object parent component. it's clear parent component needs know, selected option uiselectcomponent is, right?

the second question: setting initial selected option inside semantic ui dropdown works if wrap .dropdown() function inside settimeout() function. thought, angular 2 doesn't need stuff anymore make changes visible?

i've tried every possible way i've found last 2 days - need :)

thanks in advance!!

first question: can use output (eventemitter) property , emit event parent when change in child. parent template need listen event: <child (somechildevent)="mycallback()" ...>.

however, if option data want share inside of object passing child – <child [somechildproperty]="sharedobj" ...>, parent , child both have reference same/one sharedobj, changes make in child visible in parent. eventemitter better choice, because can notify parent when change occurs... event doesn't have pass values, since parent can see changes made sharedobj.

second question: didn't @ code, might need timeout because might need wait 3rd-party component render or finish initializing.


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