html - Put divs or spans in td's -

i have basic table td's.

i want able put coming sign on top of td. have got coming sign done both divs , spans , need both in make coming sign.

but can't put coming on text in td. current result end on different lines.

how can put text , coming on top of each other using css?

the wanted result similar minecraft home page:

the wanted result

note: coming sign rotated can told apart.

table{    width: 100%;    background: lightblue;      }  .header{    text-align: center;    background: lightblue;    padding: 30px;    margin: 0;  }  table, th, td, .header {      border: 1px solid black;      border-collapse: collapse;  }  th, td {      padding: 5px;      text-align: left;  }
<table>    <h2 class="header">comming soon</h2>    <tr>      <td>jill</td>      <td>smith</td>       <td>50</td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td>eve</td>      <td>jackson</td>       <td>94</td>    </tr>  </table>

it's simple "fake" looking css table doesn't have tag achieve this.

i'm not sure you're trying achieve did best translate thoughts something.


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