perl - Unable to generate ExpatXS.dll from XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.31 package for Windows -

i encountered error when running app on windows. after r&d, discovered needed expatxs.dll missing component here(loadable object module)

can't locate loadable object module xml::sax::expatxs in @inc (@inc contains : c:/perl/site/lib c:/perl/lib .) @ (eval 63) line 1 compilation failed in require @ (eval 63) line 1.

so, have strawberry perl installed on x86 machine , have xml-sax-expatxs-1.31 package contains , header file encoding.h , file guess perl module required generate expatxs.dll(am right ?)

can please let me know how should compile package expatxs.dll windows. main aim generate expatxs.dll windows.

is related using cpan? don't know it. so, please explain in layman's terms.

thanks in advance.


cpan xml::sax::expatxs 


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