c# - HangFire Server Enable - Disable manually -

during development of hangfire application c# asp.net, , decided implement functionally admin can manage state of server, jobs.

  • list item

server enable disable state. using enable button click event admin can start job server fire , forget , recurrent job can performed. , disable button stop activities of job.

  • retrieve current state of server

i want retrieve current state of job server, can show server on or off.

  • retrieve state , enable / disable state of jobs (only recurrent).

if want manage server/job created hangfire, can use monitoringapi or jobstorage there statuses.

sample codes :

var _jobstorage = jobstorage.current;  // how recurringjobs using (var connection = _jobstorage.getconnection()) {     var storageconnection = connection jobstorageconnection;      if (storageconnection != null)     {         var recurringjob = storageconnection.getrecurringjobs();          foreach(var job in recurringjob)         {             // stuff         }     } }  // how servers  var monitoringapi = _jobstorage.getmonitoringapi(); var serverlist = monitoringapi.servers();  foreach( var server in serverlist) {     // stuff server     // can use var connection = _jobstorage.getconnection()     // remove server } 

from here can play around hangfire.


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