PHP says variables are undefined when they aren't -

i'm working on small framework projects develop, when set testing index page call class, says variables undefined. index looks this:

error_reporting(e_all); ini_set("display_errors", 1); require_once('settings.php'); $base = $settings['basedir']; require_once($base.'/framework.php');  $cframe = new cframe($base, $settings); 

and framework.php looks this:

class cframe {       public function __construct($base, $settings){         $this->basedir = $base;         $this->settings = $settings;         require_once($this->basedir.'/db.php');          require_once($this->basedir.'/layout.class.php');         $this->layout = new layoutfinder($this->basedir.'/layout');         $this->db = new database;         $this->dbc = $db->connectdb();          echo $basedir;     } } 

the error messages when trying run are:

warning: missing argument 1 cframe::__construct(), called in /var/www/cframe/coreframe/framework.php on line 11 , defined in /var/www/cframe/coreframe/framework.php on line 5

warning: missing argument 2 cframe::__construct(), called in /var/www/cframe/coreframe/framework.php on line 11 , defined in /var/www/cframe/coreframe/framework.php on line 5

notice: undefined variable: base in /var/www/cframe/coreframe/framework.php on line 6

notice: undefined variable: settings in /var/www/cframe/coreframe/framework.php on line 7

which saying variables not defined, are.

the problem db child class of cframe, means wouldn't have been able call inside parent class trying to.


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